Conservation At Work

The Western Cape Umbrella Association For Conservation of Private Land

November 2, 2022

Landowner conservation day – Cape Winelands

On 26 October 2022, at Zevenwacht Wine Estate, Conservation at Work, together with Bottelary Hills Renosterveld Conservancy (BHRC) and Conservation Outcomes, hosted an informative day for landowners. The morning consisted of talks about threats to fauna and flora, from the Cape Leopard Trust and CapeNature Law Enforcement. A tea break was followed by presentations on different types of stewardship, from CapeNature. Birdlife SA together with Conservation Outcomes presented on the OECM project that is being piloted in South Africa, which aims to recognise other effective conservation measures outside of formally protected parks. Lunch was followed by a field walk in Renosterveld, led by BHRC manager, Christel Liebenberg, and Ismail Ebrahim from CREW, to explore Renosterveld and learn about I-naturalist.

We thank Zevenwacht Wine Estate for sponsoring the venue and tea, as well as Table Mountain Fund for funding the catering, as well as to all the speakers/presenters and BHRC for organising the day.

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