At Work
Conservation Is A Group Effort
Conservation at Work is a Non-Profit Organisation that promotes and supports the conservation of private land in the Western Cape.
More About Us
What We Do
With 45 members and increasing each year, our membership is made up of conservancies, individual landowners and organizations across the Western Cape.
Private Land

A Bit Of Background
With the level of species diversity and endemism, the Western Cape is an area of high conservation importance.
Most of the remaining natural areas in the Western Cape fall under private landownership. The conservation efforts of these landowners are thus of great importance. Conservancies are recommended as an effective way for landowners to collaborate with their neighbours and collectively address conservation related challenges in their areas. There are over 80 registered conservancies in the Western Cape which include the participation of more than 1600 landowners.
The Impact We Have
Conservancies in the Western Cape
The organisation engages with key stakeholders and formalises partnerships that will create an enabling environment for private conservation and deliver on the needs of members and stakeholders.
Conservation at Work also aims to provide a single point of contact for stakeholders to engage with conservation minded landowners.
18+ Years of Experience in Conservation
After the formation of The National Association of Conservancies South Africa (NACCSA) in 2003, the need for a branch in Western Cape was identified, and WCCSA (Western Cape Conservation Stewardship Association) was constituted in 2004.
Some of Our
Recent Conservation Projects
There are numerous registered conservancies in the Western Cape. If you would like to become part of a conservancy please contact us and we can assist you as far as possible.