Conservation At Work

The Western Cape Umbrella Association For Conservation of Private Land

October 7, 2015

Land Restoration Farmers Day 23 September 2015

For the 1st time WWF-SA’s Leslie Hill Succulent Karoo Trust, Cape Nature, The Graham Beck Worcester/Robertson Karoo Conservation Fund, Conservation at Work and the Western Cape Department of Agriculture combined resources to present a much needed and practical experience for landowners and staff of people living and working the soils of the Karoo.

The Worcester / Robertson Succulent Karoo is unique in the world. Soil erosion is one of the major threats to the conservation of this irreplaceable heritage. Landowners and managers were invited to attend this day of practical advice and opportunity to share ideas regarding the combatting of erosion in the Succulent Karoo.

Programme for the day was as follows (own transport must be provided)

08h30 Meet at Vrolijkheid Nature Reserve (coffee and rusks)

09h00 Visit erosion control sites in Vrolijkheid Nature Reserve (Facilitated discussions)

10h30 Practical demonstration of erosion control and soil protection methods at Goedemoed

12h30 Visit erosion control sites at Graham Beck Private Nature Reserve (facilitated discussions)

13h00 Join us at the private Lapa in Graham Beck Private Nature Reserve for a Braai and tasting of some The Game Reserve Wines of Graham Beck Wines.

Thank you to all sponsors for making this event possible

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